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Growing the game part 3 in Beantown!

Growing the game part 3 in Beantown!

Great story on Beantown Broomball in Boston, Massachusetts! There are key people behind the success of every league. I could list off 30 names from leagues all around the world. It is great that Beantown celebrated and thanked Cyndy and Rich for all they do to grow the game in Boston! is hoping to do a number of blog posts to help players grow the game. If you have a story to tell, please reach out via messenger, email or phone.

All of us have found broomball in Boston through one way or another, whether we started as kids in a flooded backyard, joined a crazy, college or post-collegiate intramural sport, or stumbled upon it through friends. While our love for the sport is the common denominator, it is the close-knit friendships and our "broomball family" that has kept us coming back week after week. For many of us, our relationships with one another span far beyond the rink: We have shared weddings near and far (and even hosted a wedding on the ice when two of us eloped); we have been there for births and deaths, birthdays and board game nights; and we are always eager to share a beer before and after our weekly ice time.

The party was a long-overdue expression of gratitude for Cyndy and Rich Murphy who organize our weekly leagues and ice time on Sundays in East Boston, and organize the very popular, annual, Beantown Tournament. Ultimately, it's through the opportunities they have created, that our friendships have grown. Our Party Planning Committee had the cake made in the shape of a broomball shoe by Jenny Lenny Cakes, got together pictures for an album, and renamed our League Champion trophy "the Murphy Cup" for the event, but in the end, it was the almost 20 teammates coming together to celebrate and express our gratitude that stood out the most. As we continue to grow and travel all over the country and world to play this amazing sport, it's important to acknowledge our roots, and say thank you. 

Gripinator Cake